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Bone On Bone Joints? Try This 5-Second "Egg" Trick

European scientists have recently discovered a shocking cause of joint problems…

And it has nothing to do with “wear and tear", inflammation, aging, or anything like that.

Instead, it comes down to an incredibly corrosive, acidic fluid…

That acts like battery acid bubbling and oozing inside your joints…

Viciously attacking the cartilage and burning it away…

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Sending waves of burning, searing electricity through your knees, hip, hands, and back.

Making it difficult to bend or move without discomfort…

And making it feel almost impossible to go for a walk, open jars in the kitchen…

Play with your children or grandchildren…

Or even walk up and down the stairs.

As this acidic fluid continues its brutal, relentless assault on your joints…

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Feeling like hot, molten lava stripping away the essential layer of cartilage that allows us to move with ease and comfort.

With this happening, it’s no wonder 58 million Americans report experiencing joint discomfort and stiffness…

When their joints and cartilage are in a 24/7 acid bath.

However, there is hope.

Because the good news is…

Scientists from the University of Massachusetts Lovell have just discovered a bizarre 5-second “egg” trick that could help you relieve joint problems FAST.

All by getting to the REAL problem behind burning, stiffness, and soreness.

This can completely silence even the most agonized joints…

Soothe stiffness, aches, and tenderness…

And improve your ability to walk, move and live like you’re 40 years younger.

So you can sit back and marvel as even your deepest joint aches begin to vanish.

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Now, if you’ve been experiencing soreness and discomfort for a long time, you may find this hard to believe.

But as a Doctor myself and someone whose joints were so sore that I couldn’t even pick up a pan to make myself scrambled eggs in the morning.

I can tell you that this is unlike anything you've ever seen before.

Because it’s gone under the noses of physical therapists, chiropractors, and even joint-pain specialists.

It doesn’t involve CBD, chondroitin, glucosamine, or any type of cream.

And it’s NOT stretching, seeing a chiropractor, or taking a never-ending supply of pain pills.

Instead, it all comes down to one simple thing you need to do every morning.

An incredibly simple, yet powerful 5-second “egg” trick…

One that helps neutralize the acid in your joints…

Improving mobility…

Supporting healthy joints and cartilage…

And soothing even in the stiffest joints like *that*.

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Believe me…

Once you try this simple 5-second “egg trick…”

Well, you’ll no longer have to “take it easy” because you’re afraid of making things worse.

You’ll be able to shake off the stiffness that’s been holding you back…

And you’ll actually enjoy moving your body, or spending entire days on your feet with friends and family, without any burning or discomfort.

So it doesn’t matter if you’ve had joint problems for a few days or a few years…

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It doesn’t matter if you’re 37 or 73…

And it doesn’t matter if you’ve tried every solution there is and nothing has worked.

What I’m about to show you has the power to transform your joints and life.

I mean just imagine waking up every morning without feeling the aches and soreness that come with joint problems.

No more groaning as you try to get out of bed…

No more burning in your low back, knees, ankles, and fingers…

And no choking down giant horse pills or taking dangerous painkillers that eat away at your stomach, kidneys, and liver.


Picture yourself playing with your grandkids…

Dancing with your friends…

Enjoying your favorite activity without having to worry about your sore joints ruining your day.

And gliding into your golden years with total comfort and ease.

Because this safe and simple remedy can give you the peace of mind that — while other people your age wind up needing round-the-clock care just to get through the day — you will be one of the lucky few who can remain vibrant, active, and independent for the rest of your life.

No more popping painkillers…

No more money wasted on physical therapists and chiropractors…

And no more sitting on the sidelines, missing out on the life that you worked so hard to earn… the life you SHOULD be enjoying.

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It may sound impossible right now…

But thousands of men and women have already used this 5-second “egg” trick to take back control of their lives.

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Like Rita from Lansing, Michigan. She said…

“I felt immediate relief from my bone-on-bone [joints]…I actually skipped a scheduled shot because I’m not in pain!”

And Judi from Rolla, Missouri said…

“Within a week I felt an improvement in my knee. I can now walk without a cane & have almost no pain!”

While Grazyna from Calgary said…

“I felt a profound pain reduction, much more profound than cortisone injections gave me. Right now I am actually pain-free!”

I get messages like this every day…

And I want YOU to have this same life-changing, joint-restoring transformation for yourself.

My name is Dr. Holly Lucille, ND.

I’m a licensed naturopathic doctor…

You may have seen me as a guest on national TV stations like ABC, NBC, and CBS…

As well as on Emmy-winning TV shows like The Doctors and Dr. Oz.

I’ve been featured in Time Magazine’s list as one of the top 100 influential people…

And I sit on several advisory boards, including the chair of the Institute for Natural Medicine.

However, despite all the success I’ve had in my life, I have to admit something.

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For a while now, more and more of my patients have been coming to me complaining about achy, stiff, and sore joints in their hands, hips, knees, feet, and back.

This isn’t a surprise because the rates of joint problems are escalating rapidly worldwide.

And I’m sick and tired of it.

I’m sick of seeing the same old advice and solutions being used over and over again with mediocre results.

It drives me mad to see people suffering from joint problems day after day, and not having access to natural solutions that provide real relief.

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That’s why I wanted to find a way to help people quickly and easily get relief from joint discomfort and soreness without having to take a bunch of medications with harmful side effects.

I want to give people their lives back.

Because I know exactly what it’s like to constantly struggle with your joints, unable to do things that make you feel alive and free.

Like most people, my joint issues started small at first.

A little twinge here. A mild ache there.

But as time went by, my joint health only continued to go downhill…

And I felt like a young person trapped in an old person’s body.

My knees, ankles, and hands felt like they were on fire from the moment I woke up until I got in bed again at night.

I struggled with even the most basic activities.

Even simple everyday activities — like carrying a laundry basket, getting in the car, or walking up the stairs — made my joints feel like they were going to explode.

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I had to give up gardening because kneeling down and bending over made my body erupt in pure agony.

And at night, I needed two hands just to pull the covers up to my chin before bed.

But the worst part of all was the impact my aching joints had on my friends and family.

I can’t tell you how many times I had to cancel plans because my joints were on fire, and I could barely get up off the couch.

So I know how emotionally exhausting it can be to deal with joint problems day-in and day-out.

How it can interfere with every aspect of your life, from simple daily tasks to your relationships and hobbies.

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I’ve seen so many people suffer in silence, as if they’re trapped in their own bodies, and feel like their life is already over.

And it makes me sick to my stomach to see people wasting their time and money on solutions that don’t work and make them feel even worse.

I’ve seen so many people feel hopeless after spending thousands of dollars on medical bills and trying every remedy imaginable, with no lasting relief.

I’m talking about “so-called” solutions that you’ve probably tried in the past.

Things like glucosamine, chondroitin, compression sleeves, seeing chiropractors, or taking pain pills…

That can end up costing you thousands of dollars and give you short-term relief at best.

But when you’re waking up every day feeling ridiculously sore, unable to get up and down the stairs, open a jar, or even take your dog for a walk…

Short-term relief simply isn’t good enough.

I know exactly how angry and helpless that can make you feel.

That’s why I decided to help people get the relief they desperately need…

No matter how old they are…

How much discomfort they’re in…

Or how many times they’ve failed to get relief in the past.

Because there is a solution that can help you to restore your joint health…

And it can be truly life-changing.

It all starts by understanding a miraculous study from researchers at one of the the University of Massachusetts Lovell…

One that potentially turned everything we know about joint problems upside down…

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See, as it turns out, joint soreness isn’t always caused by “wear and tear", inflammation, aging, or anything like that…

But instead, it often comes down to what experts call “joint-eating acid”.

What exactly is this joint-eating acid?

Well, take a look at this picture:

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This is the most dangerous acid in the world.

It’s called “fluoroantimonic acid” and it can burn through almost anything including glass, ceramic materials, and even some metals.

And as scary as this may sound, YOU actually have a similar acid building up and bubbling inside your joints…

And when this acid builds up…

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It eats away at your joints just like that acid eating through sheet metal…

And over time this literally works to DISSOLVE the cartilage and other cushioning tissues from the inside out.

As a result, your joints suffer and you experience aches, stiffness, and burning…

Okay, so where does this acid come from?

Well, it has to do with something called “synovial fluid”.

If you’ve never heard of it before…

Synovial fluid is like grease for our joints.

It’s what keeps them hydrated and provides a layer of lubrication for the bones to move around each other…

So that we can move flexibly and fluidly…

However, we now know that synovial fluid can become acidic as we get older.

Causing our cartilage to dissolve and leading the bones to grind against each other.

Over time, this can expose the sensitive nerves underneath…

And the result is debilitating joint soreness.

It’s scary…

Because the ONE thing that’s supposed to actually cushion and soothe our joints…

… Has turned into this diabolical, festering pool of acid.

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Unfortunately, for so many seniors, this is the REALITY of what’s going on deep inside their joints.

See, one of the first to discover this acidic synovial fluid was a research team in Sweden.

They took 33 volunteers suffering from knee problems and collected samples of synovial fluid from their knees.

They then examined this fluid, measuring the molecular profile…

And what they found was shocking.

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A direct correlation between the amount of acid in the synovial fluid and the damage in the joint.

In other words, the more acidic the joint, the more aching and swollen it was.

(No surprise there).

This was AGAIN supported by British Researchers from St. George's Hospital Medical School…

Who also found that sore and achy joints have a high acid level.

However, these researchers actually discovered something even more disturbing.

See, these British researchers found that acidic joints not only cause discomfort…

But they can actually lead to something called “hypoxia”.

Hypoxia means a lack of oxygen…

And it’s a BIG problem.

Because, when a joint is acidic, the surrounding blood vessels don’t work properly.

Which reduces blood flow…

And stops important healing nutrients and oxygen in their tracks.

This causes the joint to become starved of oxygen…

Accelerating the breakdown, and causing even more swelling and soreness.

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So let’s think about what this all means.

First, your joints and cartilage are being “eaten away” by this corrosive acid…

And second, that acid cuts off your body's natural repair process, which just accelerates the problem even MORE.

Scary, right?

Well, as you can see...

This acidic environment is like putting your joints and cartilage into a 24/7 acid bath.

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And the longer this “acid bath” continues, the worse the problem gets.

Which is why so many joint solutions fail.

Because they don’t address this underlying acidity that’s eating away at your cartilage.

And even if you are able to get some temporary relief, unless you actually address this problem directly, your joint soreness is likely to come right back or even get worse.

Now you’re probably wondering what actually causes this toxic, acidic environment in the first place.

Well here’s the thing.

We all know about our metabolism.

But what you probably don’t know is that your joints have their OWN metabolism.

This is the process in which the body breaks down and replaces old or damaged proteins, such as collagen and elastin in the joints to keep them strong and flexible.

But here’s the thing.

As you get older, just like your regular metabolism slows down, your joint metabolism slows down as well.

And when that happens, not only is your body unable to repair the joints by rebuilding collagen and elastin…

But acid and toxic waste build up in and around your cartilage.

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And just like with metabolism, some people have a better functioning joint metabolism than others.

But what does that mean for the rest of us who are suffering?

Are we just doomed?

Actually, no.

Because the good news is, scientists have just discovered a bizarre 5-second “egg” trick that can clear out this acidic environment and help relieve joint soreness FAST…

So you can move, walk, jump, and dance without any discomfort.

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Let me show you how it works.


Take a look at this egg in vinegar.

As you can see at first, it's just a normal egg with the shell fully intact.

Now, watch what happens the longer this egg is in the vinegar.

The acidic environment in the vinegar starts to eat away at the eggshell…

Until only the egg remains.

In other words, the acid in the vinegar breaks down and erodes the eggshell.

Which is similar to what happens in your joints.

Take a look at this egg in vinegar.

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As you can see at first, it's just a normal egg with the shell fully intact. 

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Now, watch what happens the longer this egg is in the vinegar.

The acidic environment in the vinegar starts to eat away at the eggshell…

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Until only the egg remains.

In other words, the acid in the vinegar breaks down and erodes the eggshell.

Which is similar to what happens in your joints.

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The acidic environment eats away at your cartilage, causing aching, burning and discomfort.

But while the acid dissolved the eggshell, something incredible happened here.

The egg remains in perfect condition!

Somehow the acid wasn’t able to damage the egg AT ALL…


Well, the reason why reveals a remarkable clue that has helped thousands of women and men to support healthy joints.

You see, in between the shell and the egg is something called the "membrane".

You can see it when you peel a hard-boiled egg.

And here’s the crazy part:

This eggshell membrane contains several chemical compounds that are EXACTLY the same as those found in your joints…

The same ones that are being eaten away by this acidic environment…

Making them unable to do their job of protecting you from stiffness and soreness.

The only difference is…

The eggshell membrane contains a protective “shield” that allows the egg itself to remain completely protected and untouched by this acidic environment (unlike your joints).

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Now, if you’re wondering whether this can help you relieve YOUR joint problems…

You’ve got the right idea.

Because, amazingly, scientists have actually found a way to use this unusual egg “membrane” to replace the depleted compounds that are being eaten away by the acidic environment…

While essentially sucking the acid out of your joints like sucking the venom out of a snake bite…

Forming a protective “shield” just like the shield around this egg…

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Giving you rapid relief from your aches and soreness…

And restoring the natural lubrication your joints need to move comfortably.

It all comes down to a powerful, trademarked breakthrough called “NEM” (which stands for natural eggshell membrane).

(But don’t worry, this has nothing to do with eating eggshells).

Instead, NEM contains chemical compounds that can be harnessed to help protect joints against acidity…

And it also contains several bioactive components including chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid…

Which support healthy joints, improve mobility, and help to maintain the right pH balance.

Scientists began to understand just how powerful natural eggshell membrane could be in keeping people healthy well into old age…

After a breakthrough study by researchers from the University of Massachusetts Lovell.

They discovered that eggshell membrane could be used to help grow and repair bones…

As well as enhance the growth of new, strong bones needed in medical procedures!

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And the more that natural eggshell membrane is studied, the more effective it seems to be!

A double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in 2021…

Took 150 participants between the ages of 40 and 75 who had knee problems.

Over 12 weeks, the researchers discovered that those given natural eggshell membrane…

Experienced much LESS joint soreness than those given the placebo!

Those given NEM also showed “long-lasting improvement”...

Which was a huge finding when you consider that most solutions give short-term results at best.

Another study, this time published in the Journal of Clinical Rheumatology…

Took 67 patients who were given either NEM or a placebo.

They found that those given NEM reported significantly less problems than those given the placebo.

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They also found that NEM “is an effective and safe option for the treatment of soreness and stiffness”.

Pretty incredible that a membrane from an eggshell is this powerful, right?

And the best part is that NEM can be even more powerful when combined with a few superstar ingredients. (I’ll tell you more about those in a minute).

But first, there’s another reason NEM helps to promote healthy, strong, and flexible joints that you need to know about.

You see, researchers have also found that NEM is rich in glycosaminoglycans.

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That’s huge because glycosaminoglycans have been shown to reduce damage to joint cartilage…

And support the production of antioxidants in the body naturally.

They’ve even been shown to decrease the amount of a substance called TNF-α…

Which is known to cause an acidic environment in joints.

With so many benefits, it’s no wonder that one study published in the Journal of Clinical Interventions in Aging…

Described NEM as a “new effective and safe therapeutic option for the treatment of pain”.

And I knew I had to do whatever it took to get this remarkable nutrient into as many people’s hands as possible.

So I reached out to a group of professional researchers here in the US called PureHealth Research.

Together, we decided to create the world’s first formula that specifically targets acidic joints and clears out the acid...

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While restoring the protective shield using this “egg membrane” compound.

So we found the highest, most bioavailable NEM on the market.

But we didn’t stop there.

I wanted to create something truly incredible that could help as many people as possible no matter their age or how bad their joints are.

Which is why we decided to add even MORE powerful ingredients that not only target acidic joints…

But help you get lasting relief from all your soreness and improve your mobility like when you were younger.

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The first ingredient we decided to add was boswellia

Boswellia, also known as Indian frankincense, is an herbal extract taken from the Boswellia serrata tree.

And it’s been used for centuries in Asian and African folk medicine to support healthy joints.

Science has finally caught up with what these ancient people have always known.

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One randomized, double-blind, placebo control trial (which is the gold standard)...

Which was published in the Journal of Phytomedicine.

They took 30 volunteers who had significant knee problems...

And found that participants who were given boswellia reported a significant decrease in knee soreness...

And they also had better mobility in their knees, and were able to walk further than those given the placebo!

But that’s not all.

Research published in the prestigious International Journal of Medical Sciences…

Concluded that boswellia “significantly improves joint function” and can help to relieve joint aches and stiffness.

Boswellia is remarkable in its ability to promote healthy joints…

Yet the next ingredient is a superstar all on its own.

That’s ginger

Now, I’m sure you’ve heard of ginger before, but what’s incredible about ginger is that it’s proven to be very effective at supporting healthy joints.

You see, ginger has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties…

And it’s been found to inhibit the COX-2 enzyme.

This is huge because the COX-2 enzyme has been shown to cause joint problems…

So by inhibiting this molecule, you’re potentially neutralizing a key source of soreness.

Researchers from the University of Miami found that ginger extract had a “statistically significant effect on reducing symptoms” of knee problems.

And another study involving 60 people found that ginger “relieves joint pain” and “improves the quality of life” in those suffering from knee problems.

While ginger is an incredible health aid, we didn’t stop there.

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Because next on the list is curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric

Curcumin is one of the best-studied nutrients on the planet…

And it’s so effective when it comes to reducing joint soreness, that I knew we had to include it in this formula.

One study that involved 40 people found that those taking curcumin daily significantly reduced stiffness and improved physical motion…

Compared to those taking the placebo.

And here’s the best part:

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Curcumin has been shown to be especially effective when combined with boswellia.

One randomized, double-blind study showed that people who took curcumin in combination with boswellia…

Had less joint problems and less morning stiffness than those given the placebo.

But before you head out and buy your own supply of curcumin, there’s something you should know.

While the combination of curcumin and boswellia is very effective…

It’s even MORE effective when combined with a third ingredient: black pepper powder

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Black pepper powder has been shown to boost the absorption of curcumin by a whopping 2,000%!

Which is why I insisted we include black pepper powder in this formulation.

This combination of curcumin, boswellia, black pepper, and ginger…

In conjunction with NEM…

Provides a powerhouse of ingredients to help you encourage healthy joints, cartilage, and bone…

And soothe aches and discomfort.

But there were two more superstar nutrients that I knew could make all the difference for people…

So I knew they had to be in this formula.

The first is collagen…

Because no joint support formula is worth your money if it doesn’t include collagen.

Collagen is a type of protein…

And in fact, I believe it is potentially the most important protein in the human body.

Collagen is found in connective tissue, skin, tendons, bones, and cartilage…

So if you want to have the healthiest joints possible, then it’s essential to provide your body with enough collagen.

And guess what? Natural eggshell membrane is rich in collagen, which is one of the reasons why it’s so effective.

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Especially because collagen production naturally decreases as we get older…

So it’s vital to supplement with collagen to support your body in promoting joint health…

Restoring bone density…

And protecting the cartilage in your joints.

However, there’s something about collagen that most people don’t know.

In order to get the best results with collagen, it’s essential that you take it in conjunction with another vital mineral.

And that’s calcium

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A 12-month study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food…

Found that combining collagen and calcium led to a higher bone mineral index.

A higher bone mineral index means healthier joints…

With more mobility and less soreness…

Which is why for best results, I recommend combining collagen and calcium.

After sourcing all of these incredible ingredients, we knew we had a formula that had the potential to help countless women and men to support their joints…

And reclaim their freedom and independence.

The only thing left to do was test it.

So, with the help of the Pure Health Research team, we produced our first batch of this formula…

And went to great lengths to ensure that we used the exact right amount of each ingredient to support healthy joint flexibility and mobility.

I had high hopes but part of me couldn’t help but be nervous.

I really wanted this to be the key to unlocking healthy joints and helping people live new, freedom-filled lives.

But then something amazing happened.

All of a sudden, people were reaching out to me and the Pure Health team with their amazing success stories.

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People who had been suffering from joint problems for years were quickly able to move without soreness or discomfort.

People who had become sedentary due to their discomfort were able to enjoy their favorite activities again.

They were able to walk, jump, dance, and do all the things they had been unable to do before.

And they felt happier, healthier, and more motivated than they had in years.

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Like Angela from Alpharetta, Georgia, who said…

“I am 60 years old… within 3 days of taking my first two pills my ongoing knee pain was gone! I am doing great and after 1 month using Joint Support I feel like I did when I was 30.”

Or William from Odessa, Texas, who said…

“I am 69 years old and both knees are bone on bone…This product actually works and makes a difference!

And Louise from Canada said…

“I am so satisfied. I can move without much pain and enjoy life again!”

And it was even more of a success than I could ever have imagined…

This is when we knew it was time to share this formula with the world.

So with the help of the Pure Health Research team, we sourced the highest-quality version of all the ingredients we discussed today…

And tested countless variations to find the exact right amount of each ingredient for best results.

It was painstaking work, but I knew it would be worth it because this had the potential to change so many lives.

Then, we found the perfect manufacturer with extremely high standards and the same values as us, so we could get this formula into the hands of everyone who needs it.

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It’s my pleasure to introduce you to Joint Support

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Joint Support is a one-of-a-kind approach to supporting healthy, flexible and STRONG joints…

While restoring the protective shield, too.

These nutrients specifically target joints and cartilage to ease soreness and swelling…

And promote proper mobility.

Joint Support boasts a formula composed of top-tier, all-natural ingredients.

Each capsule is made in the state-of-the-art facility within the United States…

By only using the purest, safest ingredients in this formula.

And to be 100% transparent, I’d like to show you the label that appears on every jar we ship.

Joint Support is an excellent addition to your daily routine…

And it’s so easy to use.

Simply take two capsules daily and that’s it.

In just a couple of seconds, you’ll take a huge step towards better joint health.

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Personally, I recommend you take it first thing in the morning, like a daily multivitamin so you always remember to take it.

But you can take it at whatever time of day works best for you.

So you’re probably wondering how much Joint Support costs…

As well as how you can get your hands on this formula for yourself.

We believe that this formula is too powerful to keep to ourselves…

Which is why our goal is to make it accessible to everyone who wants to get lasting relief from their joint soreness and take back control of their lives.

However, there is a problem.

Our ingredients are expensive and in high demand, which can make it challenging to keep up with demand.

It takes up to three months to create a single batch, which is why the product often sells out quickly.

Remember, for best results, we recommend using Joint Support consistently for at least 60 days.

Take it every day just like a multivitamin.

Because the longer you use Joint Support, the better your experience will be.

I recommend grabbing at least three bottles…

And six bottles if you're really serious about clearing out all the acid from your joints and getting lasting relief for years to come.

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With that said, we figured out that in order to make Joint Support affordable for as many people as possible…

While covering the costs it takes to source the ingredients and combine them into one, powerful formula…

All of which adds up to thousands of dollars…

The manufacturers recommended pricing this at $150 per bottle.

So when you think about the thousands of dollars many patients wasted trying to soothe their aching joints without success, $150 is actually a pretty fair deal.

And considering all the incredible benefits of Joint Support:

How it might help to alleviate stiffness, allowing you to move, walk and run without soreness.

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And how it supports healthy joint flexibility and mobility…

So you can do all your favorite activities and spend time with the ones you love without worrying about any constant aching.

Well, it’s hard to put a price on that.

If you’re anything like me, you’d pay hundreds, if not thousands of dollars to enjoy being free and independent.

But at the same time, I’ve seen firsthand the negative impact that such discomfort can have on people’s lives…

And we want to make Joint Support as affordable as possible for anyone who needs it.

So I sat down with the folks at Pure Health Research and we were able to work out a huge new customer discount for anyone watching this video.

In other words, by taking action today, you can get Joint Support at a fraction of the cost.

Which means you won’t have to pay anywhere near $500.

You won’t even have to pay $300…

Or even $200.

Instead, today and only on this page, I’m able to offer you a 30-day supply of Joint Support for just $29.

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That’s just $0.96 per day to help repair your cartilage and take back control of your life.

But it gets even better.

If you choose to grab our three-month or six-month options, you'll receive an additional discount, bringing the price down even further.

Making this a great opportunity to stock up and see the full benefits of Joint Support over time.

This discount is only available on the 3 or 6-bottle option…

Which is what I recommend anyway, because to get the best results, you’ll want to take Joint Support for at least 60 days.

Consistency is key…

Because it’s only by taking Joint Support each day that you’ll give your body what it needs to support healthy joints…

And reduce the stiffness and soreness holding you back.

I’ve seen firsthand that the people who get the biggest results are those who use it consistently for at least 60 days.

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Because the longer you use it, the better it works.

And remember, the Joint Support formula contains proprietary and exotic ingredients that only grow a few places on Earth.

So if they run out, it could be months before they get more in stock again.

And if that happens, it means you will be doomed to spend the next few months with aching joints that only get worse by the day.

But if you stock up on six bottles now — while you still have the chance — you will ensure you have a healthy stockpile for months to come. Since each bottle of Joint Support contains a 30-day supply.

So look below now.

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Select the 6-bottle option or any other option that’s right for you…

And then you’ll see a secure, encrypted order form.

Take 60 seconds to fill in your shipping information…

And PureHealth Research will get your supply of Joint Support into priority shipping right away.

You’ll receive an email confirming your order…

And that email will have all customer service information so if you have any questions about your order, you can contact them at any time.

So go ahead and secure your order of Joint Support while supplies are available.

I know you’re going to love the results.

That’s why PureHealth Research is going to take all the risk off your shoulders…

And give you a 365-day money-back guarantee with your order.

Either you absolutely LOVE the experience you have with Joint Support…

You can let their customer support team know and get a full refund…

So if you aren’t completely satisfied, or you change your mind for any reason whatsoever…

Just drop them an email and they will promptly and courteously refund every cent you spent - no questions asked.

That’s how much we believe in Joint Support.

So you have nothing to lose when you decide to place your order today.

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However, I do need to remind you that they could run out of stock at any moment…

Because due to the incredible results people are getting, Joint Support is selling extremely quickly.

If you leave this page and return later, I cannot guarantee it will still be available.

So, make sure to get your supply of Joint Support before it runs out.

Just scroll below and choose the 6-month option or whichever option sounds best to you.

Enter your shipping details and PureHealth Research will get Joint Support to your front door as quickly as possible.

But remember, this discount won’t last forever.

Joint Support is very expensive to make because of how difficult it is to source the highest-quality of all these ingredients…

And with the high demand, I can’t guarantee how long we’ll be able to offer this discount.

That’s why I strongly recommend placing your order today.

Especially because you’re 100% protected by PureHealth Research 365-day money-back guarantee.

So go ahead and select the 6-bottle option, or any other that’s right for you, and complete your order now.

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Look, the way I see it, you’re standing at a crossroads and there are two options you can take.

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The first option is to take everything you’ve just heard and ignore it.

Bury your head in the sand and hope that things get better on their own.

Suffer in silence as the soreness in your knees, hips, hands, and back continues to get worse.

Miss out on magic moments with your children and grandchildren…

Continue to have difficulty walking without aches or burning or getting up and down the stairs…

And feel the loss of independence that comes with sore and achy joints holding you back.

This is the option you’ve taken many times in the past and it’s gotten you nowhere.

But the good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way

Because there’s a much better option available to you.

And that’s a path that leads to a life with less joint problems.

A path that lets you wake up in the morning, do a big stretch, and feel supple as a leopard…

After having had a great night’s sleep.

A path that allows you to do all your favorite activities…

Like getting down on the floor on your hands and knees with your grandchildren, making memories that will last a lifetime.

Like riding your bike, going for hikes, or traveling again.

All without aches and soreness holding you back.

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Just imagine the sense of joy, freedom and independence you’ll feel leaping out of bed in the morning, without an ounce of stiffness or a single ache anywhere in your body.

Imagine cruising through your day feeling like someone half your age — without even the slightest twinge in your knees, back, hands, neck, or anyplace else.

And imagine going to bed after walking 18 holes or playing on the floor with the little ones for hours — and not worrying AT ALL about how you’ll feel the next morning.

All of this is possible for you, but you have to take the first step.

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Choose the 6-bottle package or any other that suits your needs…

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And let's embark on this journey together.

Remember, if you choose the 3 or 6-bottle option, your order will be significantly discounted.

Every order is backed by a 60-day money-back guarantee, so there’s no risk when you order today.

So don’t delay.

Time is of the essence, and Joint Support is selling rapidly, with the potential to run out of stock at any moment.

Secure your supply by selecting the 6-bottle package, or any other, below.

I can’t wait to hear how Joint Support transforms your joints, life, and happiness.

Thanks so much for reading.

I'm Dr. Holly Lucille.

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Still here?

Let me take this opportunity to answer some frequently asked questions.


Q: How does Joint Support work?

Joint Support is a one-of-a-kind approach to supporting healthy, strong and flexible joints…

While restoring the protective shield around your joints.

These nutrients specifically target joints and cartilage to ease soreness and swelling…

And promote proper mobility.

Q: Are there any side effects? Is it safe?

Joint Support is very safe to take.

Each capsule is made in our state-of-the-art facility here in the United States that adheres to FDA and GMP guidelines…

And we only use the purest, safest ingredients in our formula.

Plus, we rigorously test each batch to guarantee its efficacy and purity, so you can be assured it’s safe to take.

Q: How many bottles of Joint Support should I order?

We HIGHLY recommend stocking up and saving more today with our special discount package of 6-Bottles of Joint Support to help you stay consistent with your regimen.

You can always return your empty bottle for a full refund within 1 YEAR if you decide it’s not for you.

This exclusive package allows you to take advantage of our lowest possible prices, without the worry of increasing costs and/or additional shipping fees later.

Q: Can I track my order?

Absolutely! You can track your order at any time. Once we process your order, we’ll send you an email confirmation with the tracking details. If you have any questions, please contact us or call us toll-free at (888) 558-9836, anytime 24/7.

Q: When and how should I use Joint Support?

Joint Support is so easy to use.

Simply take two capsules daily and that’s it.

I recommend you take Joint Support first thing in the morning, like a daily multivitamin so you always remember to take it.

But you can take it at whatever time of day works best for you.

Q: What if it doesn’t work for me? How does the money-back guarantee work?

Our order today comes with a 365-day money-back guarantee.

Either you absolutely LOVE the experience you have with Joint Support…

Or you can let our customer support team know and get a full refund.

So if you aren’t completely satisfied, or you change your mind for any reason whatsoever…

Just drop us an email and we will promptly and courteously refund every cent you spent - no questions asked.

Q: How can I get started? What should I do next?

Simply scroll down and select the 6-bottle package or any other option that suits your needs.

From there, you'll be directed to our secure checkout page.

Fill in your shipping information and then you can sit back and relax while we handle the rest.

I hope that answers all of your questions and that you feel confident to place your order now.

Go ahead and select your money-saving package below and I’ll talk to you soon.

Payment options